When it comes to seasonal household maintenance, I’ve always been relatively on top of things like cleaning out the gutters, washing windows, taking care of yard tools, deadheading plants, raking leaves, shoveling snow, and changing our furnace filters.
However, after Nora was born (in November of 2011) it took me about 6 months to realize that I had completely forgotten to change our furnace filter ALL WINTER LONG (probably over 8 months without changing!)
In case you didn’t know, we live in Michigan, and it’s freezing here all winter. That means that our furnace basically runs all day long from October through April. And when you live in a very old house with very old ductwork, forgetting to change a furnace filter for over half the year is a pretty big deal (we normally change them every 1-3 months depending on the time of year).
I wish I had a picture of my face when I first realized how long it had been since I changed the filter… at least I got a picture of the filter!
Pretty bad, huh?
4 years and 2 more children later, changing our furnace filters has continued to be a seasonal task that I either forget to do for months at a time, or put off doing because our furnace requires a really random size filter that is not readily available at most home improvement stores.
I know that having a dirty furnace filter negatively affects the air quality in our home, as well as our gas and energy bills; but for some reason, I just can’t find a good system for remembering to have the proper sized filters on hand AND changing them out at appropriate times throughout the year.
However, all that changed a few months ago when I stumbled upon FilterEasy.
FilterEasy is an online air filter delivery service that is smart and simple.
They deliver furnace filters directly to your doorstep at specified times throughout the year (you can choose how often you want the filters delivered) so you’ll never forget to change your filter again.
The best part (at least for me) is that the filters from FilterEasy are actually LESS expensive than what I was paying to buy filters from the store. So not only am I saving a bunch of time and energy loading 3 kids into the car, I’m also saving money!
The Simple 3-Step Process:
Since I’m not into complicated or elaborate systems, I’m happy to report that FilterEasy’s 3-step ordering process is extremely simple.
You literally just select how many filters your home needs (ours only needs 1), then select the size of your filter (they can do ANY size), then choose the grade of filter you’d like.
FilterEasy has 3 different grades of filters, depending on your needs. This is especially nice for anyone with allergy problems because the SuperAllergen grade filters out microscopic allergens that could easily pass through other filters.
Dave and I use the LiteAllergen grade filters as we have no known allergies in our house and want the maximum air flow for our old house!
The FilterEasy process was so quick and simple to set up… and now that it’s set up, there is nothing more for me to think about. When the new filter arrives, I can run down to the basement and swap out the old filter in seconds. No more forgetting or putting it off forever and ever!
Isn’t it fabulous when things run so smoothly?!
With cooler weather just around the corner here in West Michigan, this was perfect timing for me to jump on board with FilterEasy… and I figured you’d all like to know about it as well!
Yes, There’s a Giveaway!
Today, FilterEasy is giving all AndreaDekker.com readers their first order of FilterEasy filters completely free!
Also, one lucky reader will win a $250 Target gift card!
Click here to enter the giveaway!
Simply type your email address in the space provided and the free filter code will automatically be applied to your shopping cart — meaning FilterEasy will replace all the filters in your home for free! The Target gift card winner will be chosen at random and contacted after the week-long giveaway process is over.
Also, just for fun, I’d love to know when you last changed your furnace filter!
Hopefully it wasn’t as dirty as mine!!
This giveaways ends at 11:59 pm EST, 9/16/2015 and is open to US residents, 18 years or older. The gift card winner will be randomly selected and notified via email. I received compensation from EasyFilter in exchange for hosting this giveaway — all opinions are 100% my own. Please see my full disclosure policy and contact me with any questions you have. Good luck!
shelly says
I started getting these filters the first time you blogged about them. Great filters,great service.
Andrea says
Glad to hear you like the service Shelly!
Shelly says
I change ours every 2 months.
Luba says
We live in an apartment, and I am not sure that we have air filters. I’d better check, right? 🙂
Aria Ragland says
Its been a year since we last changed ours because its so expensive. They do not carry our filter which is sized 17.5x 27x 5 so we can’t get the discount too bad!
Andrea says
Here’s how to get the custom sized filters:
They can simply email us at He***@Fi********.com with their filter size and promo code (ADEKKER). Or if they prefer to call, they can reach us at 800.308.1186 (M-F 10am-6pm EST) – Just be sure to mention the promo code over the phone!
sissy says
The day you posted this, I was in the process of taking filter out and vacuuming all heat registers. That time of year to be ready for winter at any moment. #utahwinters
Sheri says
Thanks so much! I’m sharing this with my husband (the filter changer).
Kelly S says
We live in Southern California, where it’s still 100* degrees and will be for some time… but we just finally realized that after weeks of our air conditioning not working properly, and our apartment complex maintenance having no idea why… it is because our filter was filthy! They just changed it yesterday and our a/c is working so much better. So it works for both sides of the temperature spectrum. 🙂
Heather Smalling says
I change ours every month. I always keep a back up. So, as soon as I change it, I add it to my errand list. Then the next time I’m out I grab one and have it on hand for the next month. I have a three ring binder that has to-do lists in it. It’s divided and has separate list for daily, weekly, monthly, twice a year, and annually. So it’s just on my monthly list. I’m always looking at my binder, so it doesn’t really ever get missed for more than a day or two. OCD? Probably. Keeps me sane and on track? Definitely!
Rebecca says
What a brilliant idea for a business!! I wish I had thought of that! no clue when ours was changed, that’s the hubbies job and so I don’t pay attention. But I think it was a couple of months ago when we were having trouble with our ac. I just got my free filter and am so excited for that!! Am looking into subscribing so I can be on top of this if the hubs is busy!! Thanks for letting us in on this great idea!!
PW says
That is such a great idea, I really like it. I usually stock up on filters and buy about 6 at a time. I mark on the filter with a marker when I put it in, and then when it should be changed. Then I mark 2 months on my calendar as a reminder to change. We both work outside home so we turn furnace down in winter and AC up in summer, ours don’t need changed as often, and when nice we open windows in the Chicago area. I like their idea and will probably use it after I am done using my stash. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the give away
Rhonda says
Thanks so much! I NEVER remember to buy filters!! We actually just changed ours on Saturday but prior to that….probably months!
Donna G says
I have only found one filter in my house, and I try to remember to change it on the 15th of each month when the dog gets his heartworm chew!
Dorinda Miller says
WOULD love free filters. Mine are 5 inch thick and I always need to order online.
Andrea says
if they don’t have your size listed, here’s how you can order custom sizes and still get them free!
They can simply email us at He***@Fi********.com with their filter size and promo code (ADEKKER). Or if they prefer to call, they can reach us at 800.308.1186 (M-F 10am-6pm EST) – Just be sure to mention the promo code over the phone!
Angela says
Thanks for the giveaway! We just bought filters recently, but we try to change them every 3 months, we try to change filters with the season changes, plus we have 2 children with asthma issues so we try to stay on top of it for their health.
Courney says
Changed about March or April, shortly before we quit using the furnace for the summer. Probably needs changed now, so we’re ready for cold weather her in ND!
Chris says
I change ours about once a month. I just write it on the calendar. However, where I live, about twice a year, we don’t need our heat or air much for two months, so I wait around an extra month. Thanks for the giveaway!
Tricia @ Our Provident Home says
Awesome idea! I keep checking that Amazon Subscribe and Save would add filters, but they don’t. Now I will try this company! Thanks so much. We will see how this company does.
I changed my filter four months ago. (Now this morning, thanks for the reminder.) It was terrible. We have been finishing our basement so there is a lot of extra construction dust accumulating.
Dawn says
Actually I just changed it last week.
Michelle says
Umm…good question. I think our apartment building did their annual maintenance check last November so….probably then? yikes…already ordered my free one!
Hana says
This is a coincidence because just yesterday I was at Target and walking past the filters and I thought…gosh it’s been a long time since I changed our air filter! I just went down to the basement and looked and my husband had written “April 2015” on it. YIKES. I’m the same as you – for some reason I just can NOT remember to do this easy task. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Shelley says
We change ours every three months (March, June, Sept., and Dec.). I forgot to do it last week–thanks for the reminder!
Reva Eichhorn says
Changed mine recently.
Mary says
thanks this will be very helpful, and the last time was maybe January or February????
Ashley says
Thanks for the giveaway! I have a seven month old baby and I’m pretty sure my filter hasn’t been changed since he was born :/
Deb says
I change our at the beginning and end of winter every year, but I live in MT so that is only a month apart! OH and they don’t have our size, 20x25x4, BUMMER.
Andrea says
they can specially make ANY size (they had to do that for me too)!
Melissa says
How do you order a custom size? I have a 20x25x4 too!
Andrea says
I just contacted them… I’ll let you know what/when I hear back!
Andrea says
Here’s the response from FilterEasy:
They can simply email us at He***@Fi********.com with their filter size and promo code (ADEKKER). Or if they prefer to call, they can reach us at 800.308.1186 (M-F 10am-6pm EST) – Just be sure to mention the promo code over the phone!
Meghan says
I was just going to post that they don’t have our size either! Its the same as yours. Hopefully Andrea can help us out.
Andrea says
I just contacted them… I’ll let you know what/when I hear back!
Andrea says
Here’s the response from FilterEasy:
They can simply email us at He***@Fi********.com with their filter size and promo code (ADEKKER). Or if they prefer to call, they can reach us at 800.308.1186 (M-F 10am-6pm EST) – Just be sure to mention the promo code over the phone!
Andrea says
Here’s the response from FilterEasy on how to get custom sizes:
They can simply email us at He***@Fi********.com with their filter size and promo code (ADEKKER). Or if they prefer to call, they can reach us at 800.308.1186 (M-F 10am-6pm EST) – Just be sure to mention the promo code over the phone!
Amber says
My husband is always the one to change our furnace filter and it usually shows us we were overdue for a new one!
What a great idea with the filter delivery. I would love to try the Super Allergen filters. Thanks for sharing about this company and also a giveaway for your readers. Take care~ 🙂
Melissa says
We just bought our house in February so the filter was changed just before we moved in. But in late March, the furnace suddenly stopped running and of course it was a weekend my husband was out of town, so I called our home warranty and the lady on the phone walked me through looking for the filter (I had no idea prior to this) to rule that out as the issue (it ended up being something else). We have a 4-zone heating system which requires a really weird sized box filter. This should hopefully make it really easy to keep up with changing that!
Organize 365 says
Already ordered mine. THANKS!!
Chalyse Meiklejohn says
Thankfully my husband takes care of this, so I have no idea the last time it was changed! 😉
Mandy says
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I changed mine 2 months ago