Over the past few summers, I’ve taken some sort of blogging break to rest, relax, and to take full advantage of Dave’s glorious summer break. Last year, my break was for an entire month, the year before, it was for 2 weeks.
This summer, it works best for our schedule to go with a 2-week break, starting right… NOW!
We have several house and yard projects to wrap up, plus a few more projects to start. We’ll also be taking a little family vacation (more on that when we return).
My current plan is to be back to blogging on July 21 or 22, so hopefully you can wait until then because I already have a bunch of posts I want to share with you. I’m also hoping I’ll be able to share our finished mudroom, our finished deck, and… my finished out-house garden shed 🙂
There should be a decent number of cute Nora and Simon pictures on Facebook if you have withdrawal, but in the mean time, feel free to comb through my entire blog archive or peruse the many different categories I’ve written on over the years.
Thanks in advance for sticking around during my break. Have a great 2 weeks!
Oh, and if there are any specific topics you’d like me to write about when I get back, feel free to leave them in the comments below.
Jane says
I am looking forward the posts you listed above. I’ve been waiting to hear any updates on making part of your basement into a family room. I hope you are enjoying your time off.
Andrea says
Thanks Jane,
So far, I am definitely enjoying my time away from the blog! Oh, and just an FYI, the basement project is probably years down the road — so you might need to wait a while for that post 🙂
Patti says
I wish for you a great vacation with time to savor each hug, snuggle and kiss from your sweet family. I know it will be great for you to be able to cross some of these projects off your list, and I am looking forward to seeing the pictures. When you get back, I would love to get more information on using slipcovers, specifically off-the-shelf slipcovers on non-Ikea furniture. I read your “Let’s Talk Slipcovers” post and have been thinking that slipcovers would be a good idea. However, I’m not quite ready to have custom slipcovers made. Your insight would be great, I know. But in the meanwhile, have a great siesta! 🙂
Renea says
I’d love to have “a day in the life post.” I can’t remember if you’ve done one in the past. It’s where you put a time line of what you did for a full day. Example: 7:00am got up, 7:30 baths & breakfast, 9am watched dora while I loaded the dishwasher. I think it’s a fun topic just to see other peoples days!
Andrea says
I have done that post before (here’s the link) however it would look much different now 🙂
I’ll need to wait a bit before writing another one though because Simon really doesn’t have a schedule yet and our summer schedule is WAY WAY different that our school year schedule!
Karen miller says
Have a great time with your family!
Donna says
Enjoy your time off doing the things you love with the people you love! Looking forward to hearing about it when you return.
JoAnn C. says
Have a wonderful time. You will be missed. Hope all is well in your part of western Michigan. The news here in southeastern Michigan is there were terrible winds, and rain last night and some folks are without power. Be safe.
Barb says
Have a great vacation!! Looking forward to your new posts when you return!
Maria says
Have a great vacation! You deserve it!
Candis says
Enjoy your break!
Tracey says
Love it! Enjoy, enjoy!!!!
Karen says
Enjoy!! Have a great vacation.
ShellyL says
Have a great break! We’ll be here when you get back. 🙂
Siobhan says
Enjoy 🙂
Kim says
I second what Paulette says! We will definitely miss you but enjoy the much deserved break!!! Can’t wait to read about all the updates! 🙂
Paulette Smith says
We’ll miss you but you deserve a break…enjoy!