It’s September! How did that happen so quickly?
Today, we’re enjoying Dave’s very last day at home before school starts up, bright and early tomorrow morning.
I think Dave and I are (mostly) ready to be back in a more regular routine again… but I can’t tell you how fabulous it was to be home together for the entire summer.
Each summer, as we add more children and as our children get older, it’s harder and harder to be excited about Dave going back to school for another 9 months. He loves his job (and he’s really good at it) so that’s great, but it sure is nice to have another set of hands around here during the day!
We had a great summer… full of house projects, yard projects, blog work, potty training, baby raising, and even a quick vacation thrown in there.
There were a few weeks of crazy hot temperatures, but the majority of the summer was extremely mild — which was fabulous for all the yard work we did and for playing outside with little kids.
Dave had several meetings last week and was usually gone by the time Nora woke up. She’s already struggling with why her dad can’t be home all day with her anymore — and you should have seen the HUGE smile Simon gave Dave when he got home from his first long day of meetings. He reached out his chubby little arms towards Dave and gave him a big slobbery kiss!
Although many of our friends are also on the “school schedule” with everyone home all day during the summer, I definitely DO know how ‘spoiled’ we are. Dave could make A LOT more money doing so many other jobs — but the fact that he loves his job, he loves his school, and he has the summers off more than makes up for the smaller paycheck.
Even though it might not seem like we truly take advantage of our summer days (we rarely go on any vacations or do anything outside our neighborhood) we really have tried to soak up this time together at home.
There will most likely be a time when Dave has some sort of summer job, there will be a time when our kids don’t think it’s the most fun ever to hang out with mom and dad all day, and there will be a time when everyone is old enough to do their own things and live their own lives.
But for now, for one last day this summer, we’re all together ALL DAY LONG. Going for walks, playing outside, eating 3 meals a day at our kitchen table, and snuggling together on the couch (per Nora’s daily request).
I’m beyond grateful for our summer days together as a work-from-home-mom and Christian school teacher dad. We have made sacrifices to make this lifestyle work for us, but I’m so happy we did.
Obviously, this type of schedule would not work for every family, but for Dave and my slightly introverted personalities… it’s just perfect!
Happy Labor Day to those of you in the U.S. and happy last day of summer for most of the schools in our area!
Susanne says
My husband and I both teach and are home during the summer with our children. Take advantage of these early years. A couple of years ago we began running around all summer to lessons, camps, activities, etc…. My children love it and I am so glad they have these opportunities, but I so miss spending our summer days at home!
Andrea says
Thanks Susanne, I know people in your situation who declared 2 separate weeks of “at home vacation” every summer. They never actually traveled anywhere but they didn’t do any camps or practices or lessons or anything during those weeks. They just hung out together, at home with friends and family, or went on day trips to the zoo or water park. They also took an actually out-of-town vacation as well, but those 2 weeks were just to be together at home.
I always thought that was a neat idea that I would be interested in implementing once our kids are older 🙂
Janice says
I was the teacher in the family at the Christan school where our children attended K-12 and my husband was in real estate as well as raising some cattle on our farm. Since his schedule was flexible and mine matched the kids, we were able to be together as a family during their growing up years. From November to February or March(if we went to the finals), we lived the basketball life. In the summers we went on mission tours with our church as youth sponsors and did the same sponsorship for snow skiing during spring break. There were a lot more activities plus all the parties and hayrides here at our house. After 45 years of marriage and going on 42 years of parenting, we can look back with no regret and enjoy all the wonderful family memories. You and Dave should have the same so enjoy that school schedule. I’m glad you both love the stay-at-home lifestyle. If we Americans are not careful, we can run ourselves ragged and miss all the happy times lived at the slower pace.
Heidi says
Here in South Carolina, (because of the beach tourism industry)we have a law that doesn’t allow school to start before the 3rd week in August. Before that law was passed, us teachers started back around August 1. 🙁 I’d love the after Labor Day schedule !
Andrea says
haha — yes, well keep in mind that we also go to school well into June because of starting so late 🙂 However, I will admit it’s nice to have just a few more days at the end of the summer!
Kerri says
That is awesome that your school doesn’t start back until after Labor Day. We have been back for a week now.
Tracey says
Enjoy your day together. What a perfect way to spend it!
Teaching is such a wonderful job for a father to have. The teacher dads we know treasure their summers with family, too. It’s magical, as you know!
I taught for six years and left to have my son, who is now 13. Our daughter joined us 20 months later. I’ve worked part time all these years, some of it at home, some subbing when the kids were both in school, and have always been home when the kids were home.
Getting back into the teaching profession hasn’t worked out, but tomorrow I start my new job…babysitting an adorable 2 1/2 year old for a teacher who is heading back to her job. Her
Mom tells me she loves Daniel Tiger, which of course made me think of Nora!
I hope today goes slowly for you all and feels like the longest day of summer!!! 🙂
Andrea says
thanks Tracey — and yes, Daniel Tiger and Curious George are our favorite TV shows (and books)!! Enjoy your new babysitting job! 2.5 is SUCH a fun age!
Ann says
I am so glad that you can admit that staying home is what you enjoy. I hate it when people ask what we did for summer vacation and I say, “Just stay home.” and they look at me like I am this poor unfortunate person who either can’t afford to go anywhere or doesn’t have the where-with-all to plan a trip. The fact is that going away stresses me out and I LOVE being home!
Lisa K. says
Glad you had such a great and productive summer! Nora’s braid is so cute in that last pic.