I love all the summer patriotic holidays as they require zero extra “decorating” on my part.
We have the flags, the bunting, the red white & blue annuals all throughout our yard, and so much patriotic decor inside.
Now… if only I could convince all 4 kids to dress up cute like they used to. 🥰
This was back in 2018… so cute!
Patriotic decor and clothing are some of my favorite things… I’m sharing a bunch more favorites below!
FAVORITE MOMENT = Parenting Milestone
At dinner the other day, I told Dave and our kids that I’ve heard the exact same bit of information/advice from 4 totally different sources over the past week…
“Unstructured playtime is one of the best things we can give our kids.”
The coaches at the boys’ football camp mentioned this, I read it in a book, and I heard it on 2 (completely unrelated) podcasts — all in one week!
Studies show that we are over-protecting our children’s physical lives (we’re afraid they will get hurt or lost or kidnapped) and drastically under-protecting our children’s digital lives (access to the Internet, social media, devices, etc.)
This “unstructured playtime” is something Dave and I have intentionally tried to give our kids from the time they were young — lots of access to crafts, games, and art supplies inside, and tons of outside activities to choose from.
The neighbors are all welcome to participate, and as they’ve gotten older we intentionally do less and less to help “facilitate”.
So far this year, we’ve done almost nothing to help the kids come up with games and activities and ideas to fill up their summer days at home… and they are having a blast!
Yes, there are times they complain about being “bored” but for the most part, they are outside all day — and when it rains, they play dress up or house or cards or do a craft project.
And yes, we definitely DO play with and interact with our kids — but we don’t need to constantly entertain them or facilitate activities for them.
Another parenting milestone! (see my parting quote below for more context)
My online friend Laura, from HowToGYST, has become an in-real-life friend as she has spent a week with us every June for the last 4 summers.
This week has become one of our family’s favorite things.
We all look forward to Laura’s arrival — which brings with it lots of fun Irish treats, and a bunch of toys, games, and craft supplies for the kids.
We spend a few days hanging out, discussing our online businesses, and eating lots of good food. Then she leaves us with a lovely hand-written card, complimenting each person in our family individually.
I can count on one hand the number of in-real-life-friends I have who run online businesses from home, so it’s always a treat to spend time with someone who actually “gets it” — sharing the joys, struggles, excitements, and frustrations of what I do.
RELATED READING: How to make money working online from home.
PAST FAVORITE = Velvet Hangers
I’ve been a velvet hanger fan for years now (probably since I was in college). They take up considerably less space than plastic hangers, they are significantly nicer than wire hangers, and (most importantly) they keep the clothing from slipping off and falling to a heap on the floor.
Of course, Dave and I have always used the adult-size velvet hangers… but when we started having babies, I was THRILLED (seriously, way too excited) to realize I could buy baby-size velvet hangers too!
Fast-forward 13 years and we now use the youth-size velvet hangers (14″ versus 11″) and the kids love them.
We have broken a few over the years, so I recently purchased another pack to split between the 4 kids… which reminded me how much we all love velvet hangers (thus they ended up in my “past favorites” section this month).
It’s a bit of an investment to get started with new hangers, but your closet will look and feel so much more organized with matching hangers, and it will give you a great “excuse” to go through all your clothing and declutter the items you no longer need, want, wear, or love! 😉
RELATED READING: 6 questions that will simplify your closet.
FAVORITE DIY = Homemade Fire Starters
I’ve talked about how much we’ve enjoyed our portable fire pit… and that’s still very true (NOTE: the fire pit is currently on sale!) However, we regularly have issues getting those first flames to catch fire.
This past spring, in an effort to simplify our fire efforts, I experimented with making DIY fire starters out of toilet paper rolls and dryer lint. It worked SO well!
Dave was shocked the first time we tried it — and we haven’t had any issues starting our campfires ever since.
Simply keep a few extra toilet paper rolls (or paper towel rolls cut in half) in your laundry room. I always crimp one end. Then, every time you empty the dryer, pop the dryer lint into one of the rolls.
Store the finished fire starters in a zip-top bag (you don’t want them to get wet) and use them to instantly get a blazing fire going in your own backyard fire pit (or take them along the next time you go camping! )
We’ve had the best luck by making a teepee of small sticks surrounded by larger branches, then putting the toilet paper tube inside the teepee of branches and lighting it with our longer lighter. Once the lint catches fire, we haven’t had any issues with the rest of the sticks and branches catching those flames.
What a simple, easy way to transform a bit of household trash into something useful!
FAVORITE BOOK = Free Kindle Unlimited
I’ve read a lot of great books already this summer, but today, instead of sharing just one favorite book, I’d like to give you all 3 free months of Kindle Unlimited so you can read as much as you want!!
Currently, you can snag a 3-month Kindle Unlimited Subscription for FREE !! I signed up (for probably the 10th time) last week and it worked like a charm!
The fine print says the offer doesn’t work for CURRENT Kindle Unlimited customers, but if you’ve used the freebie deal in the past and canceled, it should work for you again.
You’ll be able to enjoy 3 full months of free ebooks, e-magazines, and audiobooks (over 700,000 to choose from). You can put 10 in your account at a time, then return them as you finish, and continue adding more.
What a great way to catch up on a little (FREE) reading this summer!
Here are a few books I’d recommend:
- The Green Ember Series (we just started these based on a reader recommendation)
- The Secret Zoo (another really fun children’s series)
- Fly Girls (I’m in the middle of this one right now — so interesting)
- The Blackstone Outdoor Griddle Cookbook (I just got this and am excited to dig into it.)
- Becoming Free Indeed (by Jinger Vuolo)
- Cure for the Common Life (Max Lucado)
- Magnolia Magazine (there are TONS of magazines available)
- Sneezy the Snowman (one of my kids got this book from a teacher and they all love it)
Just make sure to cancel before the 3 months is up or you will be charged $11.99. 😊
FAVORITE MEDIA = News for Families
I’ve intentionally stayed away from all new sources for well over a decade now (I made that decision after having kids). However, about 3 years ago, I stumbled upon The Pour Over news… and I’m happy to say that I’ve been reading and enjoying their brief, informative, eternity-focused, email news updates 3 times per week ever since.
Not only are the news articles politically neutral, they are also very well-written, concise yet thorough, and humorous (they have fantastic writers)!
Oh yeah, and it’s FREE — like totally and completely free.
I know I’ve shared The Pour Over before… but that was just the introduction 🙂
What I wanted to share this month is their newest offering — specifically for families (and yes, it’s also free!)
It’s called Decaf (clever, huh!?)
It breaks down one “current event/issue” to a middle-school comprehension level and emails it to parents, along with discussion questions to ask your kids, talking points, and “main takeaways” to help your kids grasp the important points.
I highly recommend hopping on both email lists, especially if you’d like politically neutral news during the upcoming election!
FAVORITE “TOY” = Blackstone
Yup, we got a Blackstone Griddle!
In a recent email newsletter, I asked about the Blackstone versus a regular gas grill and so many encouraged us to go with a Blackstone (this was my preference as I don’t like cooking on a grill).
We capitalized on a very good Costco sale the week before my birthday and Father’s Day and said it was our gift to each other (along with the Skittles and M&Ms!)
So far, we’ve done breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the Blackstone (several times) and have been very happy with the cooking experience and the finished product.
It easily handled the 55+ burgers and hot dogs for a recent church picnic in our backyard!
RELATED READING: Our favorite foods from the griddle.
FAVORITE RECIPE = Lasagna Roll Ups
I tried this recipe several years ago — in desperation to use up more zucchini from our garden! It was amazingly delicious, super fun to eat, and wonderful as leftovers later in the week.
I made these lasagna rolls up a couple of weeks ago and was reminded how much we all love this easy recipe (I’m planning to make them again tonight!)
This is also a great meal to make for others — especially singles or couples who don’t need a lot of food and would likely never make a full lasagna meal. Just portion out however many lasagna rolls you need and put them in a small tinfoil pan or food storage container and deliver to your lucky recipient (NOTE: I usually bake the roll ups first).
And if you don’t have zucchini, you can totally leave it out — all my recipes are very versatile, so use what you have in the house and make it work!
TRY THE RECIPE: 3 Cheese Lasagna Roll-Ups (with zucchini).
FAVORITE DEAL = NutriMill Mixer!
I added this section at the very last minute because I was just notified of a discount offer for my readers on the NutriMill Artiste Mixer (the one I’ve had for years and really love!)
It’s normally almost $300, but from July 4 – July 17, 2024, it will be on sale for $199 when you shop through my link!
This mixer is VERY strong and sturdy — it can do massive batches of bread dough and cookie dough with no issues. It’s been a game-changer for my baking these last few years!
NOTE: the sale doesn’t start until July 4.
The other day, I realized it had been a LOOOOOONG time since I cleaned my makeup brushes (like over a year!)
So, I dug up my archived post with the simple DIY recipe and quickly cleaned my brushes.
If it’s been a bit since you’ve cleaned your makeup brushes, put it on your to-do list today (or later this week) and check out my simple method to get them clean again.
Read the full posts: DIY MakeUp Brush Cleaner.
FAVORITE QUOTE = Galatians 6:9
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” source
Doing good work is often hard — especially if we begin to doubt that our “good work” matters in the grand scheme of life.
I know this passage is Paul’s encouragement to the Galatian people to not grow weary in living a Christian life in the Spirit (which can be really difficult to do when no one else around you is a Christian).
However, this passage comes to my mind daily as I parent my children, maintain my home, navigate relationships, run an online business, and cook dinner!
It’s easy to feel like it’s just “too hard” (whatever “IT” is).
And honestly, it would be easier to give in to our kids’ temper tantrums, letting them get away with bad behavior instead of dealing with consequences. It would be easier to let the laundry and housework pile up, let the weeds take over the garden, and grab fast food for dinner every night. It certainly would be easier to close up my blog and walk away.
But, when we stick with it, when we don’t “become weary in doing good”, we will “reap a harvest at the proper time”.
Sometimes that “proper time” doesn’t come as quickly as we’d like though…
As I head off on a little summer blogging break, I leave you with these words of encouragement, written 2 thousand years ago, but still so applicable in many different ways.
Don’t stop doing those good things (even when it feels like no one notices, cares, or appreciates it).
That’s all for this month. I hope you enjoy your summer!
If you’re interested, you may scroll through all my Favorite Things posts HERE… and feel free to share your favorites in the comments below!
And even though I won’t be publishing on the blog for the next few weeks, I WILL still be sending out my weekly emails (hint: get on that list if you’re not already!)
Liane says
About the TP and dryer lint… Some of our RVing acquaintances recently showed those on their You Tube channel. I think I need to switch back to normal small sized rolls because with only two family members here the ginormous ones last forever. However I have a never ending supply of dryer lint. And I use Downy which I’ve read uses animal fat (tallow) but I don’t think that’s correct. Nevertheless, my lint has some sort of greasy feel to it. I am also going to use paper towel rolls, cut in thirds! We have paper towel holders in both bathrooms, the kitchen and two in the garage. One regular over the wash tub sink and blue ones in the shop area. I’m so glad someone else has tried this. I don’t like starter fluid, we don’t use charcoal, have a gas grill, and it’s not very often we camp where fires are allowed here in Calif. But in case we go to a KOA with firewood, I’ll be ready. Siri, put matches on my groceries list!
Linda Crane says
On today/ 7/17 , I am sure you have probably been told but the word is POLL not pole for your beach or pool question. (I am an English teacher) and I bet you know that. just a typo.
Andrea says
yes, POLL was changed at one point, but reverted back to a previous draft where it kept auto-correcting on me.
And yes, many have let me know of the spelling error
Liane says
My Apple devices drive me nuts correcting stuff. I put refried beans on my shopping list and it got changed to refereed beans. That isn’t even logical. Everyone knows beans get along quite well and not need a referee!
Crystal says
HI! Thanks for the heads up on the nutrimill sale. I’m going to get one! I’m wondering if you have the bakers attachments…it says cookie paddles and cake paddles..? I’ll be using this a lot for cookies and wondering if its necessary.
Thanks for your input
Andrea says
Hi Crystal,
I do have the Baker’s set and use it ALLLL the time. I’d recommend it for sure!
Nancy says
Wait, you can just use empty TP rollers and lint? No wax? I have been saving all this till I get enough old candles I don’t want to finish burning!! Forehead slapping emoji.
Andrea says
Correct — I do not use wax. Just the lint and TP rolls and they work wonderfully!
JJ says
Color Kitchen from Nature Food Colors–beautiful in homemade frosting(dye free!) on your sugar cookie recipe!
Supernatural Rainbow Crunchies and Rainbow Softies(dye-free!) again on your sugar cookie recipe(floating on frosting )
Adore by Sara Hagerty(anything by her!)
Fels Naptha Bar Soap to remove stains on clothing–wet and scrub and voila! good as new!
The Home Edit under the sink organizer with pull out drawer
Your blog! Always a favorite! We used your pill sorter hack for our last two trips. Game-changer!
Your pizza sliders are requested by my kids, and we all enjoy them!
My 3 year old loves cleaning windows with the window cloths you recommended.
National parks and state parks! Our family loves to hike the parks. We recently went on an airboat in the Everglades. God’s majesty–amazing! 4th graders get in free to National Parks by going online and getting the free pass for them and their entire family!
Andrea, I hope your break is relaxing and fun! Kids that can entertain themselves but still want to hang out with you, too, are such a blessing. That throwback pic of your kiddos is so cute! ❤️ That verse was such a great reminder and much needed–thank you!
Andrea says
Thanks for this wonderful list! I love it 🙂
Sandra Hawkins says
Love the way you lay out your recipes I have been with you for years even though my kids have been grown for years I still love your emails thanks for everything you do and have a great summer
Andrea says
Thanks Sandra! I appreciate your long-time readership!
Adri says
Beautiful! Thanks for the weekly inspiration, enjoy some rest!
Andrea says
Thanks Adri!
Jean says
Enjoy your break — you do great work! As to the five-six weeks left for summer break for your family… I recently read that Midsummer means the middle of the growing season in many areas. Defining summer can be a challenge. I like to think of the year in terms of quarters. Happy 3rd quarter! 🙂
Lissa says
Do you have Amazon prime? It is telling me I need Amazon prime to get the 3 months free of kindle unlimited …
Andrea says
Yes, I do think you need to be an Amazon prime customer in order to get the free Kindle Unlimited.
Linda says
Thanks for all of this. I look forward to reading youe newsletters, especially your favorite things. I did try the link for 3 months of Kindle free. It takes me to the Amazon page, but on that there is only 30 days free. Is there a trick to receive the 3-month subscription free?
Andrea says
shoot — a few others are saying that the 3 months looks like it isn’t valid any longer. Such a bummer as I signed up over the weekend and JUST check it last night (and it was working). Sorry about that!