Today, I’m excited to share my healthier habit for 2020 (using all-natural cosmetics)!!!
NOTE: make sure you read ALL the way to the end of the post — I share all my product sources (as well as several discount coupons you can use right now!)
My 2020 Healthier Habit = Use All-Natural Cosmetics
Using all-natural cosmetics is a healthier habit I actually tried to start way back in 2011. However, that was RIGHT after we moved into our farmhouse and found out I was pregnant with Nora. We had so much other stuff going on that I never fully pursued this concept, but I’ve continued to use my most favorite all-natural face and eye cream all these years (more on that below)!
Little by little, over the last 9 years, I’ve SLOWLY started to learn more about all-natural cosmetics and how important the things we put on our skin are for our overall health and well-being.
After all, our skin is our body’s largest organ!
So… this past November, I decided that 2020 would officially be THE year I completely switched over to all-natural cosmetics — lotions, soaps, makeup, deodorants, lip balm, and more!
I did a bunch more research, decided on the products I wanted to use, and stocked up (via holiday sales) so we had no excuses!
Why Did I Decide to Finally Make the Switch This Year?
To be perfectly honest, it was my kids that gave me the push!
Nora’s hands get so dry in the winter that they actually start to bleed. But she refuses to use lotion because she says it stings.
Simon had weird scabs and rashes (like eczema) on his scalp for several months. He said they hurt, and they continued to show up even after we tried several treatments.
James has always had sensitive skin and we need to be VERY careful about what lotions, sunscreens, and soaps we use for him.
I began “researching” options for natural lotion and scalp treatments, and I stumbled across Bend Soap Company.
Their family (10 kids) lives on a goat farm and they use goat’s milk to make all-natural soaps, lotions, deodorant, lip balm, scrubs, and more — all on their farm in Bend, Oregon.
They created their products to solve an issue one of their children had with eczema and sensitive skin.
After talking directly with their staff, I felt confident these were the right products for our family… and I ordered a bunch!
Their goat’s milk soaps have just FIVE all-natural ingredients and are made by hand in small batches.
So far, we’ve been VERY happy with them — and I’m excited to share that Nora will use the lotion (it doesn’t sting), Simon’s scalp issues are totally clear, and James hasn’t had any type of reaction to the Bend products!
The scents are fantastic, and my whole family is officially “on board” with these new products (even though they were fairly skeptical at first!)
Of course, we’re using more than “just” the Bend Soap products this year…
Keep reading for more information about ALL the all-natural products we switched to.
The Complete List of All-Natural Cosmetics Our Family Uses:
Many years ago, I started making my own all-natural face wash and makeup remover from Castor oil and Sunflower Seed Oil. It’s amazing, it works beautifully, and my skin has never looked better!
Around the same time, I started using the all-natural 3 Citrus Face and Eye Cream from Prairieland Herbs. I buy one large 8 oz. container every year and slather it on my face and neck every night after I get out of the shower. It’s fantastic!
A few years later (roughly 2012) we started using baking soda and vinegar as an all-natural hair wash and rinse. Our hair felt SO clean, but it was sort of a pain to mix up the baking soda in the shower and squeeze the cold vinegar on our heads!
Later on, we switched to using Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap to wash our hair. This works SO well and is super frugal and all-natural. It’s also great for longer hair and gets very sudsy.
Most recently, we switched to using the bars of goats’ milk soap from Bend Soap Company. They work wonderfully, and since we’re already using this soap on our bodies, we hardly need to keep anything extra in the shower!
Our whole family now uses the Bend Soap bars as body wash. The kids share a single bar and rub it on their loofahs, Dave and I use our own separate bars and keep them in the all-natural loofah bags for sale from Bend Soap. Dave uses Mt. Bachelor Pine, I use a variety of scents.
I’ve used straight coconut oil in the past, but that tends to get a bit greasy for me (and the kids don’t love the smell!).
We switched over to using the amazing goats’ milk all-natural lotion from Bend Soap — and everyone LOVES it! The kids’ favorite scent is the Sweet Orange; my favorites are Lavender or Almond.
I use the Lavender Deodorant from Bend Soap Company. It took me a while to adjust to something new, but I’m doing great now.
Dave does not want to switch over since he really needs “antiperspirant” not just “deodorant” so I’m not pushing the issue. I don’t want him to be “the smelly teacher” so we’re just sticking with what we know works for him right now! 🙂
I cut bars of goat’s milk soap into smaller chunks to use as all-natural hand soap. The smaller bars are easier for hands to hold and they fit perfectly in little bowls that came with our dishes!
I also make my own all-natural DIY foaming hand soap by squirting a bit of Dr. Bronner’s Castile soap in a foaming hand soap dispenser and filling the rest up with water (here’s the tutorial on how I make foaming soap).
I switched to Dr. Bronner’s peppermint toothpaste about a month ago. It took some getting used to since it’s not sudsy and foamy like traditional toothpaste, but it really does leave my mouth feeling SO clean and fresh. I’m totally hooked!
I also use the Hello brand Black Charcoal toothpaste about once a week. It’s excellent for teeth-whitening.
The kids use the Hello brand watermelon toothpaste — which is WHITE, so it doesn’t leave blue blobs in the bottom of the bathroom sink!
I shared more about the all-natural Simple Beauty Minerals Makeup I switched over to a few years ago.
Honestly, I rarely wear any makeup other than mascara… however, whenever I DO wear makeup, it’s Simple Beauty Minerals.
Bend Soap has fantastic all-natural Lip Butter that we love (especially the peppermint and mango).
Simple Beauty Minerals has really fun all-natural Lip Glosses that I use if I want a little extra “glam”.
This is not something I’ve had to worry about much at all over the past 10 years as I’ve been pregnant or nursing… but moving forward, I plan to use the Lena Menstrual Cup.
Whew, that’s everything (I think!)
The only thing I haven’t switched from is my got-2b hair products! I haven’t found anything all-natural that works nearly as well — and if my hairstyle doesn’t hold all day long, it looks ridiculous!
I’m still looking (and taking any of your suggestions) but for now, I’m holding strong with my favorite hair wax and spray!
What Did I Do With Our Old Products?
Since I knew I wanted to transition to all-natural cosmetics sooner than later, I hadn’t purchased new products in a while — so we truly didn’t have all that many extra toiletries and cosmetics to “use up”.
I also donated some to a basket ministry at our church and I gave a small bag of items to my sister (products she uses anyway).
Overall, I’m extremely happy with our transition to using all-natural cosmetics thus far.
I still don’t love making changes — but by focusing on one area at a time, it feels much more doable for me!
If you feel overwhelmed with all the healthier habits and changes you’d like to make in your own life, I highly encourage you to read the post I shared earlier this week.
I wrote (in great detail) about each of the SMALL healthier changes I’ve made over the past decade, and how they’ve added up to a huge positive transformation in my own life.
If you haven’t read that post yet, I highly recommend it!
QUICK REFERENCE: My All-Natural Product Sources:
Bend Soap Company (get 10% off with code: AD10)
Praireland Herbs Etsy Shop (get 20% off with code PAMPERYOU)
- This is the exact face cream I’ve used for 9+ years (the 3 Citrus scent)
My All-Natural Homemade Face Wash (we’ve been using this for over a decade!)
My All-Natural DIY Foaming Hand Soap (great for kids!)
Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap on Amazon (my favorite scents are lavender and citrus)
Dr. Bronner’s toothpaste on Amazon (I love peppermint)
Hello brand kids’ toothpaste on Amazon (watermelon flavor is great)
Hello brand Black Charcoal toothpaste on Amazon (this is great for teeth whitening)
I’m certain I’ll share more about our experience with these all-natural products (I hope to do some videos later this year too!)
If you have any questions right now, feel free to leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them or point you in the right direction!
Kara says
Hi there! Thanks to your suggestions, our family of 7 has started using Bend Soap bars and Dr. Bronner’s castille. I noticed that both of these products leave more of a film in the sink and shower than traditional soaps. Have you noticed this? Is there something special you do to take care of it? I guess the simple answer is that I probably just need to wipe down the sink and shower more often, ha!
Andrea says
Hi Kara! I’m so thrilled you’ve been enjoying the Bend Soap products.
YES, they do leave more of a film — so my solution is simply to wipe down the sinks and shower floors more regularly. It only takes a minute or two and then things are good as new again. Sorry I don’t have a magic formula!
Sandy says
Hi Andrea! Thanks for the wonderful tips/referrals on transitioning to natural products. I was wondering what the other product is in the little can on top of the citrus face cream in your post of 1/16/2020? Also in a different area…. I had messaged you a while back about our purchasing a Mac and I was wondering if you have used or use a virus/firmware protection? I’m still really new at using this and want to be as safe as I can and wondered if you could give me any tips (to be honest I m quite a novice with computers Thank you! and recently…I am going to be using your make ahead Thanksgiving tips…I also love and thank you for your intentional focus on the “right “ things for yourself and your family! God Bless you for trying to walkout who you are at the benefit of others!
Andrea says
Hi Sandy
The smaller tin is just a smaller container of the eye cream — just showing that it comes in different sizes.
As for the virus/firmware protection — I’m not sure I’m your best person for an answer. We honestly don’t use anything right now and have never had an issues — I think that’s sort of the “beauty” of mac computers. You could just contact Apple Support though –they are fantastic!
Have a great Thanksgiving 🙂
Debbie says
I loved this blog post! Thank you for providing so much valuable information on natural products. Would you consider doing a post on natural household products such as laundry detergent and dishwasher tablets?
Andrea says
Thanks for the feedback Debbie! You might be interested in this post about DIY cleaners. They aren’t all “natural” but many are.
Lauren says
Hi Andrea,
Do you use the castile soap as shampoo straight from the bottle, or do you dilute it somehow? (I suppose it dilutes itself as you wash your damp hair!) Just wondering about this as I’m considering using a more natural shampoo. I’ve also read that you use the Bend soap bars as shampoo, too. Do you prefer using one over the other? Thanks!
Andrea says
HI Lauren!
Great questions!
I dilute the Castile soap about 50% with water when I pour it into a smaller bottle — but I don’t think it could hurt you if you did not dilute it.
That said, I personally just use the Bend soap bars to wash my hair — simply because it’s easier and I only need to keep ONE thing in my shower! The kids like to use the liquid castile soap to wash their hair — and if you have really long hair, it will take a while to get a good lather with the bar soap.
Hope this helps!
Carol L Triebel says
Andrea, I’ve followed your site since Simon was born and appreciate your recommendations on products. I ordered the face and eye cream and received it very promptly. The weather was below zero and when I opened it I thought it might be frozen as the contents were very hard. I thought it would soften when it came to room temperature but it’s still more of a paste wax rather than a cream or a lotion. Is this correct or should I contact the company?
Thanks again for all the helpful suggestions and encouragement to simplify and declutter!
Andrea says
Hi Carol! Thanks for your long-time readership 🙂
The face cream is not a “liquidy” lotion or cream — it’s close to the consistency of coconut oil in its solid-state. Also, it is harder in the winter versus warmer months.
I usually just scoop out a dime-size worth of the product and rub it between my fingers to “soften” it a bit.
It often feels a little greasy going on but rubs in really smoothly and “absorbs” extremely well into the skin (at least it does for me).
Does this help at all?
It’s a great company, so I’m sure they will send you a different product or refund your payment if you try it and are truly unhappy.
Emily says
I’ve been eying the bend soaps for a while! Wish I would have taken advantage of the Black Friday deal , but I did just place an order with your code my youngest has eczema and it’s currently glaring up again . How long does one full size bar last ? I’m planning to use it on his hair and body , and I bought a scented one for myself which will for sure be my shower soap but possibly hair as well since you mentioned it lathered up nicely. I also bought one for my husband who has psoriasis on his scalp and dry skin . Each one of us will have our own bar that way . Thanks for the feedback and coupon code , there are so many natural products to choose from and it’s great to hear from someone who uses them !
Emily says
Splurged on the eye cream as well! Great discount and free shipping was a nice surprise
Andrea says
oh awesome — you’ll love it. They are such a great company to support too!
Andrea says
I know, the Black Friday sale was AWESOME!
For me, 1 bar of soap lasts 8-10 weeks of daily use for body and hair. However, several other blog readers mentioned it only lasted them 3-4 weeks… and Dave’s only lasts him about 5 weeks.
I don’t know, maybe I don’t use a ton of soap (but I feel like it’s really foamy!)
If you have longer hair, you’ll use more.
Melissa says
How long will your coupon codes work? I am considering making the switch to some of these products, but I do feel quite financial irresponsible to not use what we currently have in our home.
Andrea says
the Bend Soap coupon should work for a while — the Prairieland Herbs coupon goes through the end of February!
Leslie H says
I tried Prairieland Herbs Eye & Face Cream after reading about it on your blog. It is now a staple for me! Using it, I discovered that my large pores were a result of inadequate moisturizing of my skin. I’m 58 and my skin has never looked better than it does now (well, there are the wrinkles, but I earned those).
I use it generously every night, and won’t go without it. It also soothes my dry eyes without irritation. Other lotions on my face would get in my eyes making them sting and water profusely.
I just LOVE my Prairieland Herb creams. Thanks for sharing about them!
Andrea says
yay — this makes me so happy to read! I’m thrilled you have been enjoying this face cream for years already!
Heidi says
Be careful wife the children’s toothpaste. Baby teeth have thinner enamel and without fluoride are more prone to cavities. We switched to using natural toothpaste, and 6 months later at my kid’s check up they both had small cavities that were not there on their last X-rays. We switched back to the kids paste with fluoride and have not had any more cavities. I mention this because we are VERY diligent with brushing and flossing, so the paste was the only difference. Our dentist said baby teeth are extremely susceptible to decay due to thin enamel and doesn’t recommend children use fluoride-free paste. This is just something to consider if people notice their kid’s teeth develop tiny cavities with natural paste.
Andrea says
thanks for the heads-up Heidi!
Liz says
I was also worried about the lack of fluoride Andrea! I am sure you have done your research, but in case someone else is reading this – people add fluoride to toothpaste and water supplies because it has been shown to help prevent cavities, brushing alone without fluoride toothpaste doesn’t give the same protection.
Not everything natural is good (poop, belladonna), stuff that has been engineered can be good (toilets, technology, aspirin). I do believe though that we should be using less mass-produced products that are full of preservatives that wouldn’t be necessary if we bought more local stuff.
I hope that the products that you are now using work well for you and your family 🙂
Andrea says
Hey Liz,
Thanks for this — our kids actually get fluoride treatments at the dentist and our water has fluoride in it. For now, their teeth seem to be doing well (despite their lack-luster enthusiasm for brushing and flossing!)
Lisa D Liguori says
Thanks Andrea for adding Simple Beauty Minerals to your list of healthy personal care products for 2020 – I’m honored that my company is still a favorite of yours. (But not surprised 😉
Andrea says
haha — you’re welcome 🙂
Debbie says
This is great information. I switched to natural deodorant at the later part of 2019, using Schmidt’s deodorant that I bought from Walmart. I first checked into it on Amazon but it was so much more expensive there, don’t know why. Switching to the natural deodorant felt weird. It doesn’t glide on as smooth, and the product has texture so when gliding on it feels rough on the skin. It also doesn’t keep me totally dry, but maybe my skin was still adjusting to it. At least it keeps me smelling fresh. I also have eczema and from time to time it would flare up, but luckily I haven’t had any issues with all the products I’ve been using, which is mostly Cerave products and Dove body wash. My dermatologist even recommended Dove unscented soap for washing my face when I had a flare up, so it’s pretty gentle. We have gone plant-based on our eating too beginning in November. We feel so much better, lighter, and so much more cleaner from the inside out.
Andrea says
thanks Debbie, I did think that brand looked really expensive on Amazon. I never shop at Walmart, but I actually have to go there for something next week so maybe I’ll take a look!
Lori says
Thanks for sharing Andrea! We’ve been working on transitioning things for a while – not all that easy to do sometimes! My husband and I both use the Crystal deodorant – he converted me a few years ago when i kept breaking out from my old stand by. I love that there’s no fragrance, one lasts both of us about 9-12 months and while we sweat (because we are cleaning out our body of toxins!), we don’t stinky sweat, because there’s no aluminum. I also have skin issues and have switched from what ever body wash was on sale to Mrs. Meyers Clean day Body wash and i use Chagrin Valley shampoos bars in Charcoal Rosemary Mint (makes a great face wash too – double duty) – smells heavenly and works to keep the pesky Psoriasis under better control – i replaced conditioner with Apple Cider Vinegar (I’ve also been able to get my hairdresser to use it on me!) I use RoseHip Seed Oil for my face and have noticed a more youthful appearance and the wrinkles are smaller! I’ve been using Dr. Bronner’s for years – as both hand/face soap and a cleaning product -I love that it’s so versatile and inexpensive! I’ve been considering Natural Makeup, and plan to make that change sometime in 2020. I will have to investigate Simple Beauty – I’ve heard of it in the past, but felt it was cost prohibitive at the time – but I’m learning that natural products tend to do double/triple duty, so there’s that bonus too, which makes things more economical – once the switch is complete!
Again – thanks for sharing! I’m looking forward to being a more youthful grandma
Andrea says
thanks Lori! I’ll look into that deodorant too!
I’ve always gotten rashes under my arms, so I was particularly happy to note that those rashes have gone away since using the deodorant from Bend! Crazy how many chemicals and toxins we put on our skin every day!
As for the makeup — a little goes a long way. I’ve had the bronzing powder for a couple of years now and there’s still a lot left!
E says
I switched to a menstrual cup over and year and, and though there is a bit of a learning curve, once you get the hang of it they are wonderful!
Andrea says
thanks — glad to know you’ve had positive results (after your learning curve)
Erin Rice says
Andrea, thanks for all the info in this post!!!! I am from Oregon and heard you mention the Brand Soap company before… now I can shop with them and know i’m supporting a local business!!! I’ll look into the other things you mentioned too.
What about deodorant? Have you made a switch there too?? Have you tried different things??
Thanks again for the awesome post!!! I just love hearing about you and your family. 🙂
Andrea says
yes, they are from Oregon! Go visit them 🙂
As for deodorant — I think I mentioned it in the post, but I’m using the deodorant from Bend — so far, I really like it!
Amy says
I love my Lena cup! It has a bit of a learning curve but overall has made my period so much better. My only advice is to be willing to try a different cup if that one doesn’t work out. Put a Cup In It has a great quiz with recommended cups.
Andrea says
thanks 🙂
I have no brand loyalty to Lena — I just get them free through Grove.co so that’s why I’m planning to use that brand first!
Robbi says
What are you still getting from grove?
Andrea says
I still get quite a bit from Grove — baby wipes, diapers (seventh generation), sunscreen, seventh generation sanitizing wipes, feminine care products, trash bags, paper towel, bamboo scrubbers (like for dishes), bio-degradable sponges, soy candles, etc.
Carol says
I set a goal of making my own soaps this year. I like the fact that there are only oils (like we use for cooking), lye (which is made from water and wood ashes), and essential oils (optional) needed to make it! And it feels wonderful on my skin! Why should we use so many chemicals on the largest organ of our body — our skin! ???
I did notice that it sometimes takes some bodies a while to switch back to a more natural way of cleansing. It’s almost like the body has adjusted to expecting to deal with the chemicals being taken into the body, and must slowly adjust back to being normal.
Andrea says
cool — so fun!
and yes, I’ve also read (and found out from my own experience) that it can take a while to adjust back to natural products.
Pascale Forest says
Thank you for those great ideas. We love Bend soap products as well.
We use a magnetic soap holders ar each one of our sinks including the kitchen sink. Here’s the link on Amazon.
Andrea says
thanks for sharing this link — super helpful! I’ll have to check them out!
Kathryn says
My husband was also hesitant to switch to a natural deodorant. He used to use the clinical strength antiperspirant and deodorant but he now uses Schmidt’s charcoal + magnesium. He runs long distance and it works great- no issues with body odor!
Andrea says
interesting — I just added this to my Amazon cart (Dave will be thrilled — LOL!)
Abigail says
In an effort to significantly decrease my consumption of single use plastic, I swore off my beloved Tom’s of Maine antiperspirant and tried by Humankind deodorant (I couldn’t find a refillable antiperspirant on the market). It works really, really well! I don’t notice a difference in effectiveness between the two products, and I’m a pretty skeptical consumer. I’m also using their shampoo bar and will order their new conditioner bar, once my bottled conditioner runs out.
I’m a huge fan of Dr. Bronner’s products too!
Pascale Forest says
Hi Abigail,
Thank you for the refillable option here in the USA. I’ve seen quite a few zero waste options when we went to visit our family in Canada, but hadn’t seen any here in Michigan. I will check it out online.
Andrea says
thanks for the reference — I’ll have to look up that brand too!
JoAnn C. says
I love Bend Soap Company’s products and have been using them for nearly five years. I prefer their unscented soap and lotion line and find they work well for my, (ahem), aging and dry skin. I also use castile soap as a shampoo mixed with a bit of vitamin E oil. It rinses well from my thick, curly, gray hair and leaves it soft not frizzy.
Also, Bend Soap Company has a once or twice a year sale, (I can’t remember what they call it–sorry), where they sell misshaped, small un-saleable size bars of soap for about $10. I think it’s one pound for $10. I take advantage of this sale every time they have it and have gotten a year’s worth of pieces for a steal.
The only thing I didn’t like the soap for was laundry. I followed the recommended recipe they gave a few years ago but found my clothes didn’t come as clean as I preferred. Good post, Andrea, thanks.
Andrea says
thanks for the suggestion to mix the castile soap with vitamin E oil — that might help with some of Nora’s frizziness too!
And, I’ll definitely have to keep an eye out for the Bend Soap sales. I stocked up on Black Friday — but your deal sounds even better!
Sonia g says
What soap did you end up using for Simon’s scalp? We are having scalp issues similar to his, and I’m desperate for something that works!!
Also, thank you for posts like these, they are inspiring!
Andrea says
I used the oatmeal and honey soap from Bend Soap. You could also try the unscented if you are really worried that anything extra could cause issues. Hope it works!
Bend has SUPER cheap shipping (on $2 for the smallest orders) so if you just want to buy one bar, you could try it first without much of a financial commitment!
Katie says
I am curious what “All-Natural” means to you? Are there certain ingredients you are looking to avoid, and why?
Andrea says
at this point, it means using products with ingredients I could practically eat!
Obviously, I wouldn’t really want to eat everything, but goats milk, olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, essential oils, etc. are all things I could ingest — so if they are good enough for IN my body, they are good enough for my skin too.
Of course, I don’t intend to totally swear off all store-bought soaps or products. I’ve never been one to be “all or nothing” but for the most part, in our own home, we have completely switched over 🙂
Annette Silveira says
I switched over to natural products about nine years ago when they were scarce and pretty expensive. I’m really glad we’ve gotten to the point where I can buy a lot of my stuff at Target. I’m looking forward to checking out your recommendations.
BTW, I clicked the link for your face wash and it took me to the Hello toothpaste on Amazon
Andrea says
Thanks for the heads-up Annette — I’ve fixed the link for the face wash (here it is again if you want it).
Molly says
Thank you for such a great post! It is overwhelming to me to think about researching products and switching over, so thank you for doing the hard work! Does Nora need conditioner for her hair, or does Dr Bronners Castile soap keep it de tangled? Again, thank you!
Robbi says
I was going to ask this exact question!
Andrea says
yeah, I can’t believe I didn’t think to mention this in the post. I guess I never use any type of conditioner so it’s not a huge deal for me.
As for Nora’s conditioner — we often just use the vinegar rinse that I mentioned in this post — but we do also make this detangling spray using a bit of store-bought conditioner. It works WONDERFULLY!
Andrea says
it is overwhelming — which is why I’ve put it off for so long! I finally decided this was “my year for natural products” and started researching back in October already! H
As for Nora’s conditioner — we often just use the vinegar rinse that I mentioned in this post — but we do also make this detangling spray using a bit of store-bought conditioner. It works WONDERFULLY!
Alissa Ferguson says
Thanks for sharing! My oldest gets eczema, especially in the winter so I may try some of the lotion.
Do you have an all natural waterproof sunscreen you plan to use this summer? At the moment, we try not to go outside at peak hours.
Andrea says
The only type James can use (at least so far) is the Neutrogena Baby Face “free and clear” stuff. It’s not “natural” but it doesn’t make him break out in a rash — so I’m happy about that!
If you want a REALLY comprehensive review of natural sunscreens, my friend Katie from Kitchen Stewardship is the resource you need. Check out this post — it will answer all your natural sunscreen questions!
Stel says
I’ve been using your oil cleanser since reading about 6 yrs now – but as a daily/nightly moisturiser and it is a winner! I use castor oil and any of almond/sweet/canola oil, plus a drop of rose geranium essential oil. I love it, it is light but really moisturising, and works really well in dry climates. Thank you!
My hair is stick straight and a short bob-length. I’ve stopped using any product on it as I hate how quickly it looks greasy, no matter how little I use. Then when we moved to the coast, I noticed that sea water hold my hair really well (no matter the sand!) and started using Toni & Guy Sea Salt Spray – I don’t know how green that is, but have since literally tried mixing my own with loads of salt 😀 Don’t used it to often, but I have really adapted to no product and I love it now, would never go back to gel or mousse.
Andrea says
Glad you’ve benefited from the facial cleanser/moisturizer too!
And Thanks for the sea salt tip — if we ever move to the ocean (Dave’s dream), my hair troubles might be over 🙂
krista says
Sorry – edit that to is to *not all natural
krista says
This is a great! For hairspray that holds and is “earth friendly” I use Surface! It’s all natural but a cleaner alternative than most and it holds wonderfully.
Andrea says
I’ll have to check it out — thanks!