This is a great time of year to evaluate your life, home, family, job, schedule, etc. — take note of what’s working, what’s not, what you’re doing well, and what you’d like to change.
Today, I’m sharing a few small changes I want to make in the coming year… as well as the FREE downloadable Habit Tracker that helps me stick with my goals and habits!
Dave and I love thinking and dreaming about the future — I might even consider us “goal-setting junkies” because we discuss our goals and dreams constantly throughout the year.
Honestly, our 2020 goals didn’t exactly pan out how we expected (we fared better in some areas and worse in others) but that won’t stop us from pushing forward towards a variety of small and large goals for our family, our finances, our home, etc. in the coming months.
I won’t bore you with all our goals and dreams today… but I am excited to share a few things I’m working towards this year.
My personal goals for 2021 are to:
- Develop 3 new “healthier habits”
- Pursue more hobbies for my own enjoyment
Let me unpack these a bit more…
Every year, I set at least one new “healthier habit” for myself — things like remembering to floss, drinking more water, eating fewer processed foods, packing low-waste lunches, getting more rest, etc., etc. (read my past habits here).
This year, I’m choosing 3 — but in all honesty, I started 2 of them this past fall, so they aren’t all “new” changes.
1. Personal devotions every morning:
I’ve been so faithful with the kids’ daily devotions, and I’m usually involved in some type of Bible Study but I haven’t always been as faithful with personal devotionals. Now that I have more time in the mornings, this is at the top of my 2021 priorities.
I’ve been using Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling daily devotional for the last 6 months, and I plan to continue until it’s finished (it’s a year-long study).
Each day’s “lesson” is very short, but there is always a message that sticks with me throughout the day.
2. Read the Bible every day:
Along with personal devotions, Dave and I plan to read the entire Bible in 2021, using this printable schedule. It’s something we’ve both wanted to do, but never formally made a plan to do (until now.)
We actually started working towards this goal back in November, so we’re several weeks in already and still going strong!
We also recently subscribed to the Dwell App — which is AMAZING!!!!!
For right around $30 for the entire year, you can have the Bible read to you — in different voices, with different music in the background, at different speeds, and all sorts of other customizations. There’s even a sleep timer if you want to listen while you drift off to sleep.
NOTE: my favorite voice is “David” with the piano/cello music in the background. 🥰
I’m currently listening to the daily Bible passage prior to reading them and it has made such a huge difference in my comprehension.
The Dwell App is also great for the car — we can listen to the kids’ favorite Bible stories as we drive (the Joseph stories have been on repeat for weeks around here!)
3. Eat more nutritious snacks:
I’m a huge snacker, and while I don’t want to eliminate snacks from my routine, I would like to curb my sugar cravings a bit in lieu of more nutritious options.
I hope to develop the habit of snacking on raw fruits and veggies, cheese, plain yogurt, or whole-grain toast instead of cookies… and more cookies!
Some of the daily habits I plan to continue this year are:
- Waking up between 4:00 and 4:30 am every weekday.
- Drinking at least 100 ounces of water every day.
- Daily stretching and breathing exercises for my Diastasis Recti and back pain (this is the program I’ve used since July).
- Reading to our children every day.
- Reading for my own personal enjoyment every day.
- Getting outside for at least a few minutes each day.
- MAJORLY limiting my time on social media (and on my phone in general).
- Grinding my own flour + cooking with whole grains (this is more like a fun hobby now!)
- Daily journaling.
- Flossing once per day (why is this still so hard for me to do?!)
- Getting to bed before 10 pm every weeknight.
*Please know that it has taken me YEARS to develop the habits above — adding just one or two each year. Start small — don’t let yourself get overwhelmed!
Over the last 6-8 months, since I scaled back on work and basically gave up social media, I have pursued many different hands-on hobbies — my life feels so much richer as a result.
Studies show that one of the best ways to give up a bad habit (like mindlessly scrolling social media or checking your phone 827 times a day) is to fill your time AND, specifically, your hands with something else.
If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to cut back on your social media usage, to stop being tethered to your phone, or to stay away from every bit of news that comes out each day, hands-on hobbies might a simple trick to help you kick those bad habits for good!
Here are the hobbies I’ve chosen to pursue in the coming year…
I should quickly mention that these hobbies are solely for my own enjoyment.
There’s no pressure for me to reach a certain level of expertise by any designated time frame. If I decide one or more of them aren’t for me, I’ll have no shame dropping them part-way through the year.
1. Music
I’ve played the piano since elementary school, but I haven’t played regularly since college… so a few months ago, I decided to start playing the piano every single day.
Sometimes, it’s just a few scales or technique exercises, other times I play through various Hymns, Christmas favorites, or old performance pieces from all my years of lessons.
As I mentioned last week, I’m also learning the Ukulele and have made an effort to watch a new lesson or play through a few chords each day.
2. Hand Lettering
I don’t have the world’s worst handwriting, but “hand lettering” and even calligraphy is something I’ve been interested in since high school.
So, I’m taking an online class and I’ve noticed a huge difference already.
I don’t necessarily work on a specific “lesson” every day — but I DO journal every day, so I try to focus on my penmanship, implementing the various techniques I learn in my daily writing.
3. More Sourdough
Yup, I’m still grinding all my own whole grains (it’s been 2 years now!) and my sourdough starter is alive and well after over 18 months.
I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with my sourdough starter (wanting to throw it in the trash more than once). But we just love the taste of sourdough pancakes, English muffins, waffles, crépes, and more.
Truthfully, I use my sourdough starter multiple times every week, and I love the fact that it forces me to plan ahead even more than normal in order to allow time for fermentation.
Plus, the daily work to keep my starter “alive” has become a fond post-dinner routine for me.
4. Embroidering & Knitting
I’ve known how to knit and embroider since middle school, but I’m hoping to resurrect both of these fabulous at-home hands-on hobbies this year!
As a bonus, Nora says she wants to learn with me. 🥰
BONUS: Get free (and almost free) craft lessons:
I recently got a coupon code for a full-year membership at for only $5 (normally $75)!!
Yes, that’s right, a full year’s worth of classes, lessons, tutorials, printables, and tips for almost any type of hands-on hobby you can think of, for only $5.
I have no idea how long the coupon code is good for (I don’t get any kick-back for sharing) but here’s the code that worked for me: a24219
NOTE: Craftsy also has a bunch of free courses.
5. Physical Fitness
I’ve always been very active on a day-to-day basis, so I honestly never felt the need to do any formal exercise. However, my chiropractor changed my thoughts over the summer.
She mentioned that even people who are not overweight should still exercise regularly to reduce “visceral fat”, or the fat around our internal organs — and to facilitate good heart health.
After thinking more about what my chiropractor said, I realized my health is something I value enough to make physical fitness a priority this year.
- I always do the daily breathing exercises through my Every Woman membership each morning (this has helped to completely close my Diastasis Recti!)
- I usually do some type of stretching every evening
- I’ve been jogging a few times per week since mid-summer
- When I don’t jog, I do some type of online workout at home (see below)
Did you notice the “daily” theme of all my goals, habits, and hobbies?
I am (and always have been) a huge advocate for smaller changes on a DAILY basis, versus huge audatious goals over a longer time period.
I have witnessed so many positive changes in my life, my marriage, my parenting, my home, my business, my faith journey, and my body due to small daily habits I continually work at day after day, week after week, month after month.
RELATED READING: How a Decade of Small Daily Habits Transformed My Life
“Big” and “overwhelming” just don’t work for me — so small daily habits are what I must do if I ever want to accomplish anything.
Can you relate!?
It makes sense if you think about it…
Small is less overwhelming. Also, doing something small on a daily basis will create a new habit faster due to more-frequent repetition.
For example: “making the bed every morning” is a much easier habit to develop than “keeping the entire house clean all month long”. And “forgoing a sweet treat after lunch each day” is much more sustainable than “giving up all sugar for the month”.
If you’ve struggled with following through on large goals and long-time commitments, I highly encourage you to break it down and start with one small piece of the goal you can practice consistently on a daily basis.
And if you need a little extra accountability this year, use my free monthly habit tracker.
I created a vertical and horizontal layout — and both are customizable so you may add your own goals/habits, print, and refer to it daily.
I’ve used this spreadsheet for years. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s the perfect visual to help me see where I’m following through and where I’m falling short each month.
Since it’s completely editable, you can easily swap out new/different goals and habits each month.
Download My Free Habit Tracker Now!
Simply enter your email address below and I’ll email you both downloads (horizontal and vertical layouts) as well as a short video to help you avoid one of the biggest goal-setting ‘mistakes’ I see happen all the time. (It has probably sabotaged at least a few of your goals over the years!)
Blessings to you as you strive to create a more intentional home and life for yourself and your family.
Gale Benington says
I would love a copy of your habit tracker. Thanks.
Andrea says
HI Gale,
Yes, I’d love to send it to you too! Just enter your email address in the appropriate box in the post (towards the end of the post) and click “send me the habit tracker”. It should show up in your inbox within a few minutes.
Jo Calhoun says
Bless your heart, Andrea. Your words and example and caring are so helpful. I’m, again, beginning to work on these things myself, after getting very overloaded caring for a number of people…You help is uplifting, hopeful, empowering. Thanks so much !!
Andrea says
Baby steps, Jo!
Focus on one new habit at a time and just keep plugin away. And when you inevitably fall off track, just vow to get back on track again the next day 🙂
Sesaly says
Hi! I entered my email and received the link, but it states that “This site cannot be reached.” Any suggestions? Thanks!
Andrea says
oh bummer — I know my tech people are doing some work right now.. that might be why. Otherwise, can you forward the email to me (an****@an**********.com) and I’ll take a look. So sorry!
Paulette says
Andrea, this tracker is helping me so much! I have good intentions but many times forget. You’re the best!
Andrea says
yay — happy to help! It’s crazy how motivating a simple piece of paper can be 🙂
Christine says
I would love to hear more about your journaling. Obviously, it is a very personal endeavor so I’m not suggesting you share your thoughts! But more of how you got started and how you decide what to write. I am interested in journaling because I think it would be good for me to put some of my thoughts on paper, but when I pick up a notebook and pen, I get stumped.
Thanks for sharing this Andrea; I am always inspired by your blog.
Andrea says
Hi Christine,
I’ve been journalling since middle school — so it’s sort of an old habit now. I love writing! 🙂
If you’re struggling to get started, I’d highly recommend a journal with writing prompts, OR one of my favorite “Line-A-Day” journals (that I shared in last month’s favorite things).
Hope that helps!
Patti says
Love how you break tasks down to where they are manageable. And I just used your code for and it worked! 😀 Thanks SO much! Always enjoy your posts. 🙂
Andrea says
oh yay — I’m thrilled you were able to get the deal too! $5 for an entire year is crazy! I’ve already taken 2 classes and am in the middle of my first embroidery project! I know you’ll enjoy it too!
Sara says
Thanks for sharing your goals! I feel the same way, that small goals are so much more reachable and sustainable than huge intimidating ones. Also, I used the Craftsy code and it worked for me too! Thank you SO much for sharing that!!
Andrea says
You’re welcome, Sara — reachable and sustainable are both key when making new goals.
And yay for the Craftsy membership! That’s such a great deal — I’ve enjoyed it so much over the last month.
Jeanine says
Great post with many good ideas! I have read the Jesus Calling devotional before, and loved it. Right now, I am reading The Book of Mysteries devotional. It is amazing because it brings out the Hebrew meaning of words and scriptures in the bible. It’s by Jonathan Cahn, who is a Messianic Christian, a Rabbi, and the main leader of The Return held in Washington D.C. last September. Here’s a link to his message, which was phenomenal:
Andrea says
Thanks for this Jeanine!
Erin says
Andrea, this reminds me so much of the book Atomic Habits, which is currently sitting on my coffee table as a reminder to start a reading habit each day. 😀 I agree that little changes and small goals make things SO much more attainable than huge goals that can make people like me feel overwhelmed and intimidated.
So far, I think my habits for 2021 include drinking more water (I’m pretty good at it, but want to have more because I feel better when I drink more), eat more vegetables (I hate vegetables), spend time in the evening reading (I have books everywhere), and sell $1,000 every month in my book business for consistency. But I do not beat myself up for missing any of these goals/habits, which I think is important.
As always, thanks for the post – it definitely got me thinking!
Andrea says
These sound like great goals, Erin!
Everyone tells me I should read Atomic Habits, but I’m resisting for now because I don’t want to feel like I “stole” any of their ideas (and readers often tells me I give very similar advice!) LOL
Paulette says
Yes! Atomic Habits is amazing!!!
Kate says
Thankyou Andrea! Your printable is coming to me at just the right time! It will be great to assist me to track my daily goals especially to TAKE my iron and probiotic supplements daily!
I have just started to run to the duckpond and back with my 6yr old after dinner (summer in Australia :)! )
So I think I will also had this on!
One thing I have recently been reading about is “a no-spend challenge” and I have decided to take that on board for 2021… I have got a printable that lets you color in the day of the month of you followed thru on the no spend goal so this is also going to be a daily habit tracker for me also.
Thanks again for sharing and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours x
Andrea says
yay — happy to offer you something that will be useful for you!
And yes, Dave and I do no-spending challenges at some point almost every year — mostly just for fun!
Here are 3 posts I’ve written about no spending challenges — in case you’re interested 🙂
Linda says
I’m also an early riser and love starting my day that way. Jesus Calling was the devotional that I used in 2017 and I still open it up concurrently with my 2021 devotional. I’m so glad that you publicly professing your faith goals. I’m excited for your music and crafting hobby goals! Ironically, before reading your blog this morning, I had just posted my January small goals on my Facebook page. Last year I eliminated most carbohydrates, increased my daily walk with the dog from 20 minutes to over an hour, lost 40 pounds and am now in a healthy BMI range, eliminated blood pressure medicine, and learned two “new to me” q uilting techniques. This month I eliminated using any sweeteners in my coffee or tea. I’d like to lose another 20 pounds and decrease my A1C so every little change helps.
Jody says
I must be the only person in my state that does not like the taste of sourdough. I like the idea and ritual around sourdough starter but I just cannot like the taste of the products made with it.
Andrea says
I actually just add about 1/2 c. to 1 c. sourdough starter to all my pancake and waffle mixes the night before, then let it ferment on the counter. The taste is hardly there, it just adds a little something “extra” in my opinion (and my whole grains are then easier to digest).
That said, sourdough isn’t for everyone — that’s for sure! Don’t force it 🙂
Erin says
Jody, I’m not a huge fan of sourdough either! I remember visiting San Francisco and sourdough is everywhere! I wanted to ask for a piece of plain wheat bread. 🙂
Ashley says
Andrea, I love that your faith is coming through more and more on your blog! You’re never preachy or pushy, just sharing more of who you are and what’s important to you.
At the encouragement of many others, I too have the goal is reading through the entire Bible this year. I’m also trying to get outside every day. I’m a wuss when it comes to the cold but trying to overcome that for my kids and myself! I’m not big into exercise either but your explanation makes me think I need to consider it and find something that works for me.
Happy 2021!
Andrea says
Hey Ashley! Honestly, the “getting outside everyday” thing is still super hard for me in the winter — especially now that the kids are older and are content to go out by themselves! I’m working on it though 🙂
And yes, the exercise thing was just something that finally “hit home” for me this summer. It was right around my birthday, and I realized my metabolism isn’t going to be getting any faster as I get older, so I might as well develop the routine now! We’ll see how it morphs over the year. Thankfully, Dave is a good example as he has regularly exercised for our entire marriage!
Have a great week!
Jen says
One of the only things I did consistently throughout 2020 was ride my bike. My goal for 2021 is 4800 miles (100 for each year I’ve been alive). Based on the amount of riding I did last year, much later in the year, this should be no problem. At least, I hope not
Andrea says
wow — that’s amazing! Good for you!
Did you do it all outside, or on a Peloton bike (or something like that)?
Jen says
All outside…ended up with just under 3800 for the year…after breaking my neck in May, I’m okay with that, lol.
Margaret says
A couple of years ago I got a wind trainer so I could ride my regular bike inside during the winter. I bought used, so it wasn’t that expensive. If you like the idea, ask at your local bike shop. It makes the first outside rides in the spring a whole lot less painful, and is an easy way to exercise at home.
Jen says
I bought warm clothes in lieu of a trainer…I HATE riding inside and honestly don’t want to move furniture every time I want to ride. I was actually outside until I got Covid last week…my highest mileage month last year was November!
Andrea says
good for you for getting outside! (although we couldn’t ride bikes year-round outside in Michigan!) Hope your stint with Covid is over now and that you’re feeling better!
Jen says
I’m riding a gravel bike in temps down to 25°. So as long as there’s no ice, I’m good!
Thanks! Mostly fine except for no taste/smell!
Margaret says
I lost my taste for winter riding back when I had no car and had to commute several miles on a bike through northern Indiana winters. It wasn’t the cold (I could dress for that), it was the ice. I had a few hard falls, and then got hit by an idiot driving 40mph on glare ice.
Up until I retired a few months ago, I was still commuting 6 miles–but not in the winter!
I don’t really enjoy riding inside, either, but at my life stage it’s my best exercise option in the winter.
We have some dedicated cyclists who are out on fat-tired bikes in the snow, but they are almost all on the trails, not on the roads. I respect them, but am not willing to risk my shoulder replacement on a fall.
Andrea says
you are amazing! good for you!
Ellen says
I also prefer smaller goals, when I set the standard too high it feels overwhelming and like the entire day is centered around the next to do.
You mentioned completely closing your DR with a program. I am wondering if closing it also helped with the appearance ? I would love to wear normal fitting shirts without looking 3 months pregnant I’m expecting now but am hoping to start a program A few months after giving birth as I have had DR since my second pregnancy and have tried one program, as well as therapy and neither worked . I am also looking to strengthen my core Along with closing the DR , I get a lot of lower back pain when working out due to my core muscles not working . Thanks so much ! Small goals for 2021 !
JJ says
Those are fantastic goals!!! You have a great variety.
Andrea says
Hi Ellen,
Congrats on the pregnancy — that’s exciting!
To answer your question VERY honestly, my DR is completely closed and I no longer have ANY back pain — it honestly feels like a miracle after years and years with constant back pain.
However, I had very very flat abs before having kids and my stomach is definitely not that flat anymore. 🙁
My chiropractor says she thinks I have a decent amount of scar tissue right around my belly button (which makes it stick out more than I’d like) but the only “cure” for that is probably a tummy tuck, which I’m not willing to do just for cosmetic reasons.
I plan to continue with the Every Mother daily workouts and breathing exercises for several more months and see if anything improves — but I’m still SOOO happy I invested the small amount of time into this program as living without back pain is totally worth every penny and every minute!
Sarah says
I can’t speak to the question about appearance/DR resolution, but I can second Andrea’s recommendation for Every Mother. I don’t have DR (and my youngest is 12), but decided to give it a try for general core strength and fitness. I love it!! I’m only about 6 weeks in, but I actually look forward to it and love how you follow a ‘path’ that tells you what to do each day. First time I’ve been this consistent with any type of fitness video, etc. Thank you so much for the recommendation, Andrea!
Andrea says
yay — this makes me SO happy to hear! I know many have signed up after I recommended it. I’ve heard back from a few women who a raving about the program, so I know it’s not just me who it’s working for! Thanks for sharing your success Sarah!
Ellen says
Thanks so much for the great information ! . I’m going to look into the program you mentioned for sure . My chiropractor has helped some
with lower back pain but it’s still painful to exercise and I would love to have that feeling of stability with the muscles back in place .
Andrea says
you’re welcome — I’ve tried SO many things for back pain over the years and this is the only thing that has worked for me. I noticed an obvious difference in about 7-10 days already!
Susanne says
Great post Andrea! One of my priorities is my morning devotion and coffee time. Even though I have to be at school early, I do not skip this time and it’s has made a huge difference in my overall outlook! I’m going on two years and I feel so much more grounded. However, I don’t get up early enough to get a workout in 🙁