After a whole month off for rest and relaxation (and catching up on a bunch of projects), I have a few more “favorite things” to share with you for September!!
Search Results for: garage
An Unexpected “Project”
As I mentioned on Tuesday, Dave and I have been working on a whole bunch of projects this summer.
The next project on our list is renovating our upstairs bedrooms. We weren’t necessarily planning to tackle this project for another year or so, but due to a recent and unexpected change of events, we’ll be needing the extra space in approximately 25 weeks ๐
Back From My Blogging Break
As many of you probably realized by now, I took the entire month of August off from blogging — not because I was burnt out or feeling totally overwhelmed — but simply because I could.
We accomplished a lot AND we relaxed a lot over the past couple of months — and today, I’m sharing a bunch of the things we did while I was away.
Ending The Summer Quietly
Allocating Our Resources at Different Stages of Life
Most people I know have somewhat fixed amounts of time, money, energy, etc. — and it’s our job to then allocate these resources the best we can.
Sometimes, the decisions are no-brainers and easy to make. However, many times, it can be quite difficult to know the best way to allocate our many resources. And just when you think you’ve figured out the best solution, things change. You enter a new season of life and you need to figure things out all over again!
4 Reasons I Purged Almost All Our Baby Clothes
Back before I was pregnant with Nora, I would frequently organize for families with young children — and often times, a huge source of clutter for these families was all their out-grown baby clothing.
After seeing this time and time again, I decided that I would purge the majority of my out-grown baby clothing unless I had another baby who could wear it immediately after. Today, I’m sharing 4 reasons why.
Our Potential Vegetable Garden Locations
As many of you know, Dave and I are doing a lot of yard work this summer — however, we STILL haven’t had a chance to work on our vegetable garden — mainly because we don’t know exactly where we want to put our garden.
Today, I’m sharing 2 of our potential garden locations and asking you to weigh in with your thoughts.
How We Save Money with Google and YouTube
Both Google and YouTube have dramatically changed the way we find information, the speed at which we find information, the amount of information we find… and (if you’re like Dave and me) the amount of money we can save by learning how to do things ourselves!
I know I’m amazed how much we’ve learned and how much money we’ve saved thanks to Google and YouTube — and if WE can do it, YOU can too!
A Few of My Favorite Things {July 2013}
How We Re-Landscaped (Partially) For Free
As Dave and I inched closer and closer to our budgeted amount for our current landscaping projects, we decided we would need to get creative if we wanted to accomplish everything on our list without breaking the bank.
Today, I’m sharing a bunch of pictures of our yard work progress along with how we managed to do some of the work for free!
Natural Pest Control
We’re fortunate that we have an acre yard for Nora to explore and play — and a super long asphalt driveway for fun with scooters and sidewalk chalk. However, something we don’t like about being outside are all the bugs.
I’ve been on the lookout for natural ways to control these pests, and I’m sharing a bunch of those remedies, tips, ideas, and resources today!
My Soapbox: Clean Homes, Happy Kids, and “Good Mothers”
If Walls Could Talk
We live in a 120 year old farmhouse — and as we work our way through different renovation projects, we often wonder what memories and stories are “locked away” inside the walls of our house. If only walls could talk… right!
Spurred by a recent visit of our home’s previous owners, I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Today, I’m sharing some of those thoughts.
Our Summer Landscaping Plans!
EVERYTHING in our yard is getting really over-grown! There are a bunch of dead trees, the grass in the back yard is basically all weeds and dirt, and the planting beds have been taken over by ivy and other invasive ground covers.
So this summer, we’re trading our hammers and saws for shovels and rakes — and we’re doing a complete landscape renovation!
Half-Way In: Our No-Spending Challenge
7 Things I Wouldn’t Buy on Craigslist
10 Ways to Boost Productivity in 10 Minutes or Less
As soon as the weather starts getting warmer, I find that my productivity starts to plummet. My solution is to make a list of quick tasks I can do in 10 minutes or less… and thus quickly get back in my productivity groove.
Today, I’m sharing 10 of my favorite ways to boost productivity — all in 10 minutes or less!
My Five Favorite Online Shopping Sites
Over the past two years, the way I shop has changed significantly – I now do almost everything online.
Today (by request) I’m sharing my five favorite online shopping sites — so for those of you who hate shopping (like me) or just live too far away from a convenient shopping location, this post is for you!